Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Inaugural post. Under the pressure of time. Must get the child up for school. Get breakfast made. Get dressed. Get her dressed. Go, go, go! Sometimes I fantasize about a time when there is not a rush to daily life, is it possible? I keep thinking I'm not doing it right, if only I was more organized, faster, faster, faster.

A year ago to the day I was moving faster, rushing out of the car with the kid, returning book order forms I'd collated over the weekend to teacher. Next thing I knew, I was looking up at the grey sky, and saw my right foot at a really unnatural angle, and felt a big CRACK... I knew I'd broken something before my back hit the ground on the big evil patch of ice that took me down. I spent a lot of time on the couch recovering from that rushed Monday morning--surgery to fix the breaks on both side of my ankles, elevating it, nonweight bearing for nearly 2 months, $13,000 plus to fix it, dealing with the complication of a blood clot from being such a good elevator of the ankle, months of painful rehabilitation and PT.

So, yes, I need to get my child up and out the door, off to school this morning. But I will remember that this is January, and ice is not my friend, and that a note home from school warning me of the number of tardies my child has is a small price to pay when I remember the alternative.

Of course, there is organization, getting ready earlier, so many tricks to getting the child to be self motivated. We'll keep working on those, but in the meantime, keep our perspective on the size of the problem, and know that there are worse things than a crazy morning on a school day.

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