Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It's 2014... already? Where have I been?

Okay, it's obviously been a long time since I've posted any new articles. I am reviving this blog in 2014 to share news, information, opinions (oh no) and images. I welcome your comments and suggestions!

It would be lame of me to post a post announcing I am posting again, so here's an update:

I am going through another job transition.... leaving the position I've held the past two years as the Executive Director of a small professional association for medical group practice managers for a marketing specialist position with a human services agency located within walking distance from my house.

Why would I leave my part time job working from home for a full time position at an hourly wage job in a windowless office at equivalent pay? Well, for one, self employment taxes for 2013 killed me! I was not prepared. My fault. I need paid benefits.

Also, I am not the greatest company to be my only office companion day in and day out. Yes, I will miss working in PJ's and not taking a shower for days if I don't have meetings out of the home office. No, I will not miss feeling alone, or the lack of structure. I have done pretty well under the circumstances, I believe. I pumped up my inner motivational power, and expanded my ability to manage a dozen or so different types of projects using a zillion skill sets every month, and in a compressed work schedule; however, I also think I need some structure. And walking Jasmine to school on my way to the new job and home again at the end of the day will help me get moving again. So, back to an office I go.

Now finishing up projects at association... here are a few examples of what I will work on this week: confirm speakers for upcoming educational luncheons, provide feedback to board of directors on contract under review and board input on an educational series, send out an email announcement for next week's luncheon to get more members to sign up, pick up the mail, market conference and talk to potential sponsors for fall event, update contact information for a board member who has a new email address on all our documents with his email listed as a contact, reconcile last month's finances, prepare any deposits and update membership status for renewals that have come in via check, prepare agenda and packets for next week's board meeting... oh, and finish working on the migration of the membership management software and website to a new host. Need to get that finished by two weeks from yesterday.  By the end of the month, update the transition document for the new director and start training her/him, once they've hired a candidate. Oh, and I started working my new job two days a week for the month of May, then go full time the first of June.

PHEW. Wish me luck.

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